gridlocdev's portfolio

I've made some stuff, feel free to check it out

sounds cool


Username Generator

A set of applications for creating randomly-generated usernames

(screenshot of Username Generator) Built with: C#, .NET 6, Terminal.GUI, Blazor WebAssembly, Avalonia UI

Drum Machine

A drum machine that you can play with the keyboard

(screenshot of Drum Machine) Built with: Web Components, Vanilla CSS

Static Site Generator

My custom-built Static Site Generator

(screenshot of Static Site Generator) Built with: C#, .NET 6, Markdown, Markdig

Cube Slide

A jump-less 3D platformer video game where a cube slides around obstacles to make its way to the goal

(screenshot of Cube Slide) Built with: Unity (Game Engine)

Chess Clock

A web-based clock application for timing games of Chess

(screenshot of Chess Clock) Built with: Angular, Angular Material

Text Adventure

Create, play, import or export a text adventure game story.

(screenshot of Text Adventure) Built with: Vue 2, Vuetify, VueX

Portfolio (this site)

The website that you're currently on! A portfolio website that gives a list of the projects, articles, and other details about myself as a developer.

Built with: Vanilla JS, Bootstrap


About Me

Who am I?

I am a video game player, music listener, anime watcher, and professionally have been a software engineer writing .NET stuff since 2019.

My background

I've always loved the process of creating things; when I was younger, I would spend countless hours in the Halo video game's level editors creating maps to play with friends.

What's on this site?

This site has the projects and other things that I've built in my spare time, which have been helpful for me to improve my programming, writing, and planning skills.